
IBAS – A Remarkable Visit to the University of Pristina

In a significant outreach effort, PBC Group, alongside its innovative financial services platform IBAS, recently visited the University of Pristina to engage and educate the students about the remarkable world of financial services. This educational endeavor was a part of the ongoing commitment of PBC Group to share its expertise with the academic community.

Mr. Gazmed , the visionary founder of PBC Group, took the stage to kick off the lecture by providing an insightful overview of PBC Group and its diverse array of products. Among the gems of the PBC Group family, he emphasized IBAS, an innovative banking and attractive solution financial services platform, the British College of Science by PBC Academy, VERPO, rTrust, a marketing referral platform, and MARK, their newest marketing agency.

The students of the second-year Marketing Department at the University of Prishtina were in for a treat as the CEO of IBAS, Mr. Hajdari, took the stage to provide an in-depth exploration of the services offered by this groundbreaking platform.

The visit to the University of Pristina was more than just a lecture; it was a unique opportunity for students to gain valuable insights into the ever-evolving fields of financial services and marketing. As the world of business and commerce continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, such interactions between industry experts and the academic community play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between theory and real-world application.

PBC Group’s visit to the University of Pristina not only enriched the students’ understanding of the financial landscapes but also inspired them to explore the endless possibilities and opportunities that await them in the industry. This remarkable initiative served as a reminder of the importance of knowledge sharing and collaboration between educational institutions and industry leaders.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to Professor Nail Reshidi and his dedicated staff for their warm welcome and support during our visit to the University of Pristina. Their hospitality and enthusiasm made our educational outreach a truly memorable experience. It is through the collaboration and partnership with esteemed educators like Professor Reshidi that we can bridge the gap between industry and academia, inspiring the next generation of professionals. We look forward to future interactions and endeavors that will continue to enrich the educational landscape and empower students with valuable knowledge and insights.

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