
International experts: The value of IBAS is 25.6 million euros

Not yet completed 2 years of operation in the market, the international experts of “Merge & Acquisitions” based in Brussels, after an intensive 3 months of work, have evaluated the financial institution IBAS with 25.6 million euros.

This assessment was carried out through the “Cash flow” methodology.

WACC = 18.52%, PGR = 15%. Discount factor = 0.82, 0.68, 0.56, 0.46, 0.38.

IBAS is a financial institution licensed by the Central Bank of Kosovo for the issuance of electronic money, money transfer and lending for payments. With its activity, IBAS is creating the ecosystem of digital payments in the Republic of Kosovo. So far, it has managed to create 1,800 electronic payment points and continues to create cooperation agreements with Kosovar businesses. Although the issuance of online loans started this year, IBAS has so far received close to 3,000 applications for payment loans, the vast majority of which have been funded in record time.

For a period of 3-5 years, this institution plans to expand in the region, specifically in Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia.

We remind you that this financial institution was awarded the “Innovation of the Year” award in the last edition of the ICT Awards for the innovation it has brought.

IBAS would not have reached this point of success without the professionalism of its staff and the welcome of Kosovar businesses, for which they are very grateful and thankful.

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