
Your Voice Matters!

At IBAS, we understand that sometimes concerns may arise. We encourage you to share your feedback and complaints with us. Your insights help us identify areas for improvement and ensure that we continuously enhance our services.

Rest assured, your feedback is valuable to us, and we take each concern seriously. Our dedicated team is committed to addressing your queries promptly and finding solutions that exceed your expectations.

Your satisfaction is our priority, and your feedback fuels our progress. Thank you for entrusting us with your concerns and giving us the opportunity to serve you better. Together, let's build a stronger, more responsive banking experience.

    Thank you for choosing IBAS for your banking needs!

    We're thrilled to welcome you on board. In compliance with regulatory requirements, we kindly request you to download our app and commence the KYC/KYB process, which is a legal prerequisite for opening a banking account.

    The process is straightforward and comes with the necessary guidance.

    Experience Innovative Banking and Attractive Solutions (IBAS) to the fullest!

    Choose the store for downloading the application.

    Dear applicant,

    We are happy to inform you that you applied successfully. Our team will contact you soon and will let you know for the next steps.

    I/E nderuar,

    Jemi të lumtur t'ju informojmë se keni aplikuar me sukses. Ekipi ynë do t'ju kontaktojë së shpejti dhe do t'ju njoftojë për hapat e ardhshëm.

    We regret to inform you that your application was not successful. This outcome could be attributed to technical issues or internet interruptions. We encourage you to consider reapplying at a later time. Until the issue is resolved, please contact us through Facebook, Instagram, in our app, or call us at 038600300. Thank you for right understanding.

    Me keqardhje ju informojmë se aplikimi juaj nuk ishte i suksesshëm. Ky rezultat mund t'i atribuohet çështjeve teknike ose ndërprerjeve të internetit. Ne ju inkurajojmë të konsideroni riaplikimin në një kohë të mëvonshme. Deri sa të zgjidhet çështja, ju lutemi na kontaktoni përmes Facebook-ut, Instagram-it, në aplikacionin tonë, ose na telefononi në 038600300. Faleminderit për mirëkuptimin tuaj.