IBAS — The most innovative FinTech in Western Balkans stages 59% Growth

We’re thrilled to share some incredible news with our valued customers and partners! 2023 was a phenomenal year for IBAS, marked by a staggering 59% business growth compared to 2022. This exceptional achievement solidifies our position as the most successful fintech institution the Western Balkans. A Vision RealizedIBAS was born in 2019, fueled by a […]
Pse kompania juaj duhet të emetojë obligacione?

Në tregun konkurrues të sotëm, kompanitë janë vazhdimisht në kërkim të mënyrave për t’u rritur. Një mundësi e rritjes së kapitalit është përmes emetimit të obligacioneve. Sidoqoftë, deri më sot, kjo formë e financimit, në Kosovë nuk i është mundësuar biznesit privat. Kjo në mungesë të legjislacionit për tregjet e kapitalit. Por, kjo nuk i […]
Investimi në IBAS

Pas sukseseseve të një pasnjëshme zhvillimore, dhe me qëllim të zhvillimit të mëtejmë, veçanërisht në zgjerimin e licencave IBAS ka hapur mundësinë për blerjen e aksioneve, për të gjithë ata ose ato që cilësohen ligjërisht të përshtatshëm dhe që mund të sigurojnë ligjshmërinë e prejardhjes së parave. Shuma: min 5,000 max 500,000 euro Afati për […]
Banks, Fintechs, and Businesses: Building Synergies for Accelerating Access to Finance in Kosovo

As the pioneering Fintech company in Kosovo, IBAS, represented by its founder and solution architect, Mr. Gazmend, made a significant impact at an event co-hosted by USAID and the Central Bank of Kosovo. The theme was “Banks, Fintechs, and Businesses: Building Synergies for Accelerating Access to Finance.” In his presentation, Mr. Gazmend eloquently outlined the […]
Paul Wild Appointed Chairman of the Board at IBAS

We are happy to announce a significant and strategic addition to the leadership team at IBAS. Mr. Paul Wild has been appointed as the Chairman of the Board, after his approval by the Central Bank of Kosovo. This appointment marks a pivotal moment for IBAS, as we welcome a leader with a wealth of experience […]
IBAS – A Remarkable Visit to the University of Pristina

In a significant outreach effort, PBC Group, alongside its innovative financial services platform IBAS, recently visited the University of Pristina to engage and educate the students about the remarkable world of financial services. This educational endeavor was a part of the ongoing commitment of PBC Group to share its expertise with the academic community. Mr. […]
IBAS: Embracing Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time when communities worldwide unite to promote awareness and support for those affected by breast cancer. At IBAS, we’re proud to join this global cause. Why Breast Cancer Awareness Matters: Breast Cancer Awareness Month is significant for several reasons: Early Detection: Encouraging early screenings and awareness saves lives […]
Strengthening Economic Partnerships: Luxembourg Ambassador’s Visit Sparks Collaboration and Future Opportunities

We are deeply honoured by the visit of His Excellency, Mr. Dietz, the Ambassador of Luxembourg, accompanied by several prominent businesses from Luxembourg. This visit, along with the insightful discussions we engaged in, holds significant promise for fostering robust partnerships. During his visit, we had the privilege to extend our gratitude to Mr. Dietz on […]
IBAS – Inovacione të njëpasnjëshme, e gjitha që duhet të dini

IBAS po vazhdon me rritje të vazhdueshme, duke i ofruar përdoruesve qasje shumë të lehtë në financat e tyre. Përdoruesit, tashmë gëzojnë përfitime nga më të ndryshmet, mirëpo nëse nuk jeni akoma përdorues i IBAS, shkarkoni aplikacionin dhe eksploroni shërbimet të cilat bëjnë jetën tuaj të përditshme, më të lehtë. Shkarko aplikacionin këtu:App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ibas/id1512391343Play […]
Commercial receipts, their types, advantages and disadvantages

What are commercial receipts?A commercial paper is a short-term, unsecured debt instrument issued by businesses. It is usually used to finance short-term obligations such as wages, accounts payable, and inventory or goods for sale (Baklanova, et al., 2020). The commercial receipt specifies an amount of money that must be returned by a certain date (maturity). […]